- Foundational knowledge
- Self-awareness and professional conduct
- Decision making and judgment
- Teaching and facilitation
- Environmental stewardship
- Program management
- Safety and risk management
- Technical ability
The third edition of Outdoor Leadership effectively positions students to develop the knowledge and expertise required to excel as outdoor leaders. Along with updated references, learning activities, and chapter-opening vignettes, the third edition offers the following new features:
- New content on intersectionality and the importance of universal design
- A look at the contribution of outdoor recreation to the economy
- An examination of transformative learning and updated material on interpretive programming
- Expanded content on the importance of protecting ecological resources
The text begins with the foundations of outdoor leadership, the historical and philosophical foundations of the profession, and the nature of outdoor leadership as a professional practice. Historical and contemporary theories of leadership and the practical application of these theories are examined, facilitating a discussion of the roles that decision making and judgment play in real life. The text then explores the role of teaching and facilitation in outdoor leadership. Topics such as natural resource management, environmental sustainability, and program management—including program administration, safety and risk management, expedition planning, and program evaluation—are addressed.
Each chapter opens with a vignette that illustrates the practical application of outdoor leadership concepts so that students recognize the importance of the material. Throughout the text, students are introduced to various types of organizations and agencies in which outdoor leaders work. Learning activities and professional development exercises within the text encourage readers to engage in a process of self-reflection and to draw connections between theory and practice. Glossary flashcards and relevant forms are available via HKPropel. As students progress through the text, they will create a professional portfolio that demonstrates their competency and showcases their talents.
Outdoor Leadership, Third Edition With HKPropel Access, is the definitive text for developing student leadership in outdoor and adventure settings. This useful resource will help aspiring outdoor leaders plan safe, enjoyable, and ecologically responsible expeditions; acquire and showcase their leadership abilities; and develop knowledge and expertise.
Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all print books.
Audiences: Text for undergraduate courses in outdoor programs and leadership. Reference for outdoor educators at high schools and professional agencies.Professional Competency Defined
Framing Practice: Using Professional Competencies to Define Professional Practice
Emergence of a Competency-Based Approach to Outdoor Leadership
Eight Core Competencies in Outdoor Leadership
Connecting the Dots
Drawing Connections
Selected References
Part I. Foundations of Outdoor Leadership
Chapter 1. The Journey Begins
Defining What We Do
Outdoor Leadership in Recreational Contexts
Outdoor Leadership in Educational Contexts
Outdoor Leadership in Therapeutic Contexts
Selected References
Chapter 2. History of Outdoor Leadership
Early History
Dude Ranches and Guide Services
Organized Camping Movement and Schools
Scouting Movement
Outward Bound Movement
National Outdoor Leadership School
Further Developments, Trends, and Issues
Selected References
Chapter 3. Outdoor Leadership as Professional Practice
Elements of Outdoor Leadership as a Profession
Professional Development in Outdoor Leadership
Sites for Engagement and Employment
Starting a Career in Outdoor Leadership
Selected References
Chapter 4. Cultural Competency and Social Justice Literacy
Key Definitions
Cultural Competency
Social Justice Literacy
Organizational Competency
Social Justice Literacy, Risk, and Psychological First Aid
Selected References
Part II. Outdoor Leadership Theory
Chapter 5. Theories of Leadership
History of Leadership
Early Leadership Theories
Transactional Versus Transformational Leadership
Contemporary Leadership Theories
Selected References
Chapter 6. Leadership in Practice
Leadership Qualities and Competencies
Leaders Identified
Leadership Power
Leadership Models
Selected References
Chapter 7. Decision Making and Judgment
Decision-Making Process
Decision-Making Models
Decision-Making Methods
Decision Making and Leadership Styles
Ethics and Decision Making
Selected References
Part III. Teaching and Facilitation
Chapter 8. Understanding Facilitation
Goals of Facilitation
Challenges in Facilitation
Developing Facilitation Skills
Selected References
Chapter 9. Facilitating Personal Development
Nature of Human Development
Theories of Human Development
Considerations for Outdoor Leadership
Selected References
Chapter 10. Facilitating Interpersonal Development
Group Development
Process of Group Development
Applying Tuckman’s Model to Leadership
Expedition Behavior
Implications for Practice
Selected References
Chapter 11. Aerial Adventure Leadership
Aerial Adventure Profession
Challenge Course Programs
Key Leadership Functions
Leader Competencies
Selected References
Chapter 12. Teaching Strategies
Experiential Education
Outdoor Teaching Techniques
Lesson Planning
Selected References
Part IV. Recreation Resource and Program Management
Chapter 13. Parks and Protected Areas Management
General Concepts in Recreation Resource Management
Parks and Protected Areas Management in the United States
International Parks and Protected Areas
Considerations for Using Parks and Protected Areas
Selected References
Chapter 14. Environmental Stewardship
Environmental Ethics
Ecological Literacy
Education for Sustainability
Leave No Trace
Selected References
Chapter 15. Program Management
Program Design
Administrative Duties
Budgeting and Finance
Selected References
Chapter 16. Safety and Risk Management
Risk Management Frameworks
Risk Management Processes
Emergency Management
Decision Making and Judgment in Risk Management
Legal Aspects of Risk Management
Selected References
Chapter 17. Expedition Planning
Trip Purpose
Selected References
Chapter 18. Assessment and Evaluation
Fundamentals of Assessment and Evaluation
Areas of Assessment
Common Assessment Tools
Selected References
Outdoor Leadership Organizations
All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through .
Instructor guide. Includes a sample course outline, sample syllabus, assignments and class project ideas, suggested websites, ideas for demonstrations or guest speakers, and tips for presenting key concepts for each chapter.
Test package. Contains 540 questions in true-false, fill-in-the-blank, essay and short-answer, and multiple-choice formats. The files may be downloaded for integration with a learning management system or printed for use as paper-based tests. Instructors may also create their own customized quizzes or tests from the test bank questions.
Chapter quizzes. Contains ready-made quizzes (10 questions each) to assess student comprehension of the most important concepts in each chapter.
Presentation package. Features more than 350 PowerPoint slides of text, artwork, and tables from the book that can be used for class discussion and presentation. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed to make handouts for students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides.
Instructors also receive access to all student materials in HKPropel. For Outdoor Leadership, Third Edition, this includes a flash card activity for each chapter, learning activities, professional development exercises, and numerous downloadable forms.